Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Fun Never Stops !

So first day in ICU( International Christian University) was pretty cool. It was more down time since people arrived at different times. I gotta say I was one of the retards who made sure to be the first to arrive to the school. On top of that, I got off the wrong bus stop so had to walk a lot more than I could have. Who cares, Im in japan where walking is equivalent to driving in the U.S. ( states). Met a few people the first day and was surprised there wasnt any sort of activities until 7 pm and I arrived at 9 am. So yeah lots of time to kill. So by the first day, Im pretty pro about where everything is around campus. It reminds me of Davis and Standford a bit. Very nice. so I met my roommates!( Lizzie, Leeyeon, Jamie) its a really clean and nice place. something that looks a lot cooler than VDC! We each have our own room !

A group of us ( lizzie, jamie, correy, juan, terry, lindsay and some ppl i cant think of right now) went around the outside of the campus to explore. I need to take more pics so I can have a pic of everyone I talk about. I am trying. Its not soo humid and hot anymore. or maybe I am getting used to it now.

So at night we had our orientation and whatnot. So many rules but most of them are lenient. thank god or else it would be painful. Like some of the rules:
1) no girls on guys floor/ room. and no guys in girls floor
2) CURFEW is at like 12;00- haha . there really isnt a curfew . cuz the helpers are cool
3) no visitors welcomed past the lobby area
4) NO INTERNEt !!! haha . I found a way around that
5) gates close at 10 and 11:00 ( 2 different gates) founda way around that alreadty

to be updated more

1 comment:

JOHN KIM said...

how the hell is that lenient? it's so much worse than korea