Saturday, September 29, 2007


Kichijoji , Tokyo

I was craving for some Indian food after my roommate told me she ate some delicious Indian Food. I got to say this is my first Indian food encounter and I Love it.I wish I can work at an Indian restraunt so I can learn how to make all the food and stuff. The restraunt is a nice and small place.

ポトワールコース ¥1770
2 カーレ・タンドーりチキン・ナン2・サラダ・ライス

Monday, September 17, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007



meet BLUE - like the color from THAI

MEET MIA - from south korea


MISSINg one OYR ( one yr regular) we are the OYR for our 4th womens dorm

Saturday, September 8, 2007


so usually i get this question

where are u from?
i answer california. and people usually try to get to this question... " what ethnicity are u?" Sometimes i give ppl a hard time and insist on answering california until they sometime ask" where are ur ancestors from and all".

So far people have guessed that i am of these ethnicities

IRAQ ppl i dont know what they are called. !!!! i am still in disbelief.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

new laptop..... YAY

friday 9/7/2007

yay so i got a gateway comp and it is working fine now. ( knock on wood) man dorm life here is kind of different than in irvine. its almost like a sorrority since i am living with like 31 other girls. during our first week in the dorms, we have meet and greets with other men's dorm. which is not much since icu consist of 80 percent of girls. i dont know if i woulf have applied to icu if i knew that there is about like 20 of guys overall in the school.