- see's candies
-taco bell
-carls jr.
- lee's sandwich
- sour gummy worms
- sour patch kids
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
my goals
yeah i know its a bit early for new year resolutions but here it comes
1) the number one thing everyone puts on their list. ( its also mine now) _TO lOSE WEIGHT- i am seriously concerned of my health and appearance now. I gained about 4 kilograms from nov 22-til now. it is not normal to gain one kilogram a day ( one kilo = around 2 pounds)plus i have been unconsciously binging on food.ever since i stop dancing i have been gaining weight. I like to blame the fact i cannot perform at the big christmas dance competition and have been somewhat depressed at the though and have been unconsciously eating to make up for it. In the begining it was because I was in Okinawa and had the idea this is my only chance to be in Okinawa. So I ate every possible Okinawa food and dessert of course and more. Note it was a 5 day trip but I gained 2 kilograms during the five days. Thats like 4 pounds in 5 days. I have been trying to lose it by eating healthier and cuting back on sweets. It helped a bit but then it when I crave for desserts really bad I treat myself to one and end up eating two ice cream bars in one sitting.
so I am going to start saving all the money I use on my binging madness and save it for fashion. I am going to try to get a job and use that money to save it for classes at the fashion school and also to pursue fashion/art related stuff. I have been watching a lot of project runway episodes,going to the fashion school twice to see runway shows, hanging around with people interested in fashion,drawing more tooo. I find that with extra time I have been trying to use the time to pursue something I brushed under the rug a long time ago and repeatedly told myself it was an impossible dream. This may be something good for me since I am attacking my dream ( the whole thing... studying abroad in japan and fashion) This may be a bad thing to my parents since It means me wanting to go to fashion school after I graduate. I am going to try to save as much money as I can to find a way to get into fashion school.
2) save money for fashion
3) dance - something else I love but also repeatedly told myself I cannot possibly get into a dance team or even dance. I finally got a chance to be in a team and now I can somewhat dance. YAY
4) improve my japanese to the point I can master the interview for fashion school
5) try to make something with the sewing machine
6) finish knitting my scarf
1) the number one thing everyone puts on their list. ( its also mine now) _TO lOSE WEIGHT- i am seriously concerned of my health and appearance now. I gained about 4 kilograms from nov 22-til now. it is not normal to gain one kilogram a day ( one kilo = around 2 pounds)plus i have been unconsciously binging on food.ever since i stop dancing i have been gaining weight. I like to blame the fact i cannot perform at the big christmas dance competition and have been somewhat depressed at the though and have been unconsciously eating to make up for it. In the begining it was because I was in Okinawa and had the idea this is my only chance to be in Okinawa. So I ate every possible Okinawa food and dessert of course and more. Note it was a 5 day trip but I gained 2 kilograms during the five days. Thats like 4 pounds in 5 days. I have been trying to lose it by eating healthier and cuting back on sweets. It helped a bit but then it when I crave for desserts really bad I treat myself to one and end up eating two ice cream bars in one sitting.
so I am going to start saving all the money I use on my binging madness and save it for fashion. I am going to try to get a job and use that money to save it for classes at the fashion school and also to pursue fashion/art related stuff. I have been watching a lot of project runway episodes,going to the fashion school twice to see runway shows, hanging around with people interested in fashion,drawing more tooo. I find that with extra time I have been trying to use the time to pursue something I brushed under the rug a long time ago and repeatedly told myself it was an impossible dream. This may be something good for me since I am attacking my dream ( the whole thing... studying abroad in japan and fashion) This may be a bad thing to my parents since It means me wanting to go to fashion school after I graduate. I am going to try to save as much money as I can to find a way to get into fashion school.
2) save money for fashion
3) dance - something else I love but also repeatedly told myself I cannot possibly get into a dance team or even dance. I finally got a chance to be in a team and now I can somewhat dance. YAY
4) improve my japanese to the point I can master the interview for fashion school
5) try to make something with the sewing machine
6) finish knitting my scarf
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
沖縄で2キロを増えた!今から、やせるつもり。昨日私とLindseyとJosephとKatieとAllieは能を見に行った!全部は2時間半の発表けど、もっと長そう。本当にいい経験けど、一回だけを見るつもり。日本語の先生は能の切符をくれた。本当の値段は7,000円。みんなはきれいドレスとスッツを着た。後で私たちは渋谷で居酒屋に晩ご飯を食べた。皆はビールを飲みながら食べた。ほとんどビールを飲んでしまた。私はソーセージを食べたとき、友達のドレス誤ってソーセージのジュースをかける。最近私は不器用なだ。晩御飯を食べた後で、アイスを食べたいので、Baskin robbins 31を食べたい。でも、店が閉まった。どこでも、店が閉まった。居酒屋だけが開いてる。その結果、私たちはうちに帰った。渋谷駅の前にFree Hugsの人を見た時、自分の考えはHugは楽しそうと思う。
I gained a total of about 4 pounds during my trip in okinawa. Note that it was a five day trip. So I am planning to lose weight. So yesterday, I went with Joseph, Lindsey, Katie, and aliie to watch Noh. Our teacher gave us tickets to the theater valued at 7000 yen which is about 70 bucks. it was a 2 hour and a half play but it seemed longer than it really was. It was a great experience but i dont think i will ever go to anothe noh production again. We al dressed up for the occasion and Joseph came in a suit and the girls wore nice dresses. After the noh, we went to an izakaya and had dinner with a beer. We wanted dessert but not at the izakaya so we decided to go to Baskin Robbins 31 for ice cream but they were closed. So we decided to go home instead. right infront of the shibuya station, we saw ppl with free hugs sign and i decided it will be fun to get a hug from them. So i did. I have pictures to prove it too.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
今日下北沢でイヨに待ち合わせ。下北沢は武蔵境から吉祥寺で井の頭線に乗って、渋谷に行く方。私は各停の電車に乗ったから、チョー遅い。下北沢でイヨを待ったけど、イヨは違う口に待った。20分後で、私はイヨと会った。私たちは色々な古着屋と面白い店へ行った。下北沢はもっとにぎやかだし、古着屋さんは見つける安いし、下北沢は高円寺より好きだ。今日の目標は帽子と手袋を買うつもり。色々な店へ行ったけど、まだ好きな帽子と手袋を見つけた。帽子と手袋が必要と思う。いつも自転車に乗る時、手と頭が寒くになる。時々寒さでかじかんだ手と頭。帽子と手袋を買わなかったけど、色々なおいしい食べ物を食べた。例えば、Mister Donutsとアイスとラーメンを食べちゃた。
Monday, November 19, 2007
今日はイヨとじいちゃん一緒に東京国立新美術館にフィルメールの絵を見に行く。フィルメールの一番有名な絵は「牛乳を注ぐ女」を見た。とても楽しかったけど、ちょっと疲れた。絵を見る前にわたしたちはVogueカフェにサンドイッチを食べた。1000円だよ。ちょっと高いけど、Vogueカフェから高くないと思う。私はびんぽうだ。今日1000円だけを持って行く。美術館の入場料は1200円。日本の美術館とアメリカの美術館に比べて、日本より高い。1:30から5:30まで、美術館にいる。美術館のギフトショップはとても面白かった。面白いものがいっぱいある。美術館を見た後で、Miaを待ち会う。東京Midtowmで窓ショーピングをした。Plazaの中で、一番好きな店はVia Bus Stop.私にとしてPlazaで全部店の売り物は高すぎる。いつもこんな感じ所でいる時、お金持ちになりたい。いつも好きな店に入たいけど、入るにくい。おなかがすいたとき、Plazaの地下Food Courtがある。そんな高くない。1000円ぐらい。晩御飯を食べた後で、私たちはデサートを食べた。私はMont Blanc Violetteを食べた。チョーおいしかった。780円。
I went to the Tokyo National Art center located in Roppongi with two of my dormmates, iyo and Jiichan(aka Marie). We went there to see the Verneer exhibition. Verneer is famous for his Milkmaid painting. We also ate at the Vogue cafe inside the museum. It was quite pricey for a sandwich but cheap if u compare it to other cafes in museum . On top of that its Vogue cafe. So we saw a rack of clothes in the entrance are and thought maybe we can see some clothes from Vogue but to our disappointement. It was just the coats of the customers at the cafe. After our little lunch we looked at the exhibition for about 3 hours. The museum was quite crowded even for a weekday. Plus other students dont have today off because it is our finals week slask autumn break. There were a lot of old couples there and some really young kids(probably forced to go by their artsy mom and dad. the whole lining up to see each piece kind of made me tired and not as into the art. I enjoy looking at the art at my own pace and not having ppl shoving or pushing me. Well after finishing we shopped at the gift shop. I love museum gift shops. Then we met up with Mia, another dormmate and ate and window shopped in Tokyo midtown. The stores are soo high class that i feel weird to go in. But we did since it wasnt just me going into the shop. We went into chloe, marni,and a couple of other ones. I loved this one store called via bus stop. So we got hungry and ate at their fod court( nothing like america's food court) it almost looked like a small buffet kind of place. we had our 1000 yen dinner and our treat ( dessert) . we were about to order two cakes one from the food court and another one somewhere else. We never got to that though. haha . oh wells more for next time.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Back to writing blogs
今まで私はICU大学校でダンスクラブに入った。ダンスクラブの名前はSmooth Steppersです。だんだん英語が下手になる。でも、日本語が上手になるかどうかわからない。Smooth Steppersというはいろいろなジャニールがあるチームことです。
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Kichijoji , Tokyo
I was craving for some Indian food after my roommate told me she ate some delicious Indian Food. I got to say this is my first Indian food encounter and I Love it.I wish I can work at an Indian restraunt so I can learn how to make all the food and stuff. The restraunt is a nice and small place.
ポトワールコース ¥1770
2 カーレ・タンドーりチキン・ナン2・サラダ・ライス
Monday, September 17, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Saturday, September 8, 2007
so usually i get this question
where are u from?
i answer california. and people usually try to get to this question... " what ethnicity are u?" Sometimes i give ppl a hard time and insist on answering california until they sometime ask" where are ur ancestors from and all".
So far people have guessed that i am of these ethnicities
IRAQ ppl i dont know what they are called. !!!! i am still in disbelief.
where are u from?
i answer california. and people usually try to get to this question... " what ethnicity are u?" Sometimes i give ppl a hard time and insist on answering california until they sometime ask" where are ur ancestors from and all".
So far people have guessed that i am of these ethnicities
IRAQ ppl i dont know what they are called. !!!! i am still in disbelief.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
new laptop..... YAY
friday 9/7/2007
yay so i got a gateway comp and it is working fine now. ( knock on wood) man dorm life here is kind of different than in irvine. its almost like a sorrority since i am living with like 31 other girls. during our first week in the dorms, we have meet and greets with other men's dorm. which is not much since icu consist of 80 percent of girls. i dont know if i woulf have applied to icu if i knew that there is about like 20 of guys overall in the school.
yay so i got a gateway comp and it is working fine now. ( knock on wood) man dorm life here is kind of different than in irvine. its almost like a sorrority since i am living with like 31 other girls. during our first week in the dorms, we have meet and greets with other men's dorm. which is not much since icu consist of 80 percent of girls. i dont know if i woulf have applied to icu if i knew that there is about like 20 of guys overall in the school.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
my computer died on aug 4
So Now that my computer is dead, I would have to go back to the ghetto way of writing down interesting things that happen to me and store it in a handy lil booklet. so I cant really upload pics or anything unless i use the library's comps. THis is how i am using facebook and all. So Now i HATE Appl stuff. Since I fixed it last time and paid 300 bucks and the same problem occured again with less than a yr from it being fixed.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
There is more to Mitaka than my roommates bday and ghibili museum
there is the
the city hall
zen temple
musashi sakai station
- ito yokado ( large dept store)
-beard papa
100 yen shop
okay now onto more fun stuff.
今日、私は午後1時半おきます。作文をかいたりしゅくだいをかいたりしました。ちょっと長い。6時に友だちいっしよに韓国の町へいきました。おいしい肉を食べました。でも、配膳人 【はいぜんにん】 (n) waiter)はちょっとだめ。私の友だちはゆかに肉のジユースをたらす。私と友だちは晩ご飯を食べながら、テレビの韓国とイランのサーかゲームを見ました。とてもたのしむ。韓国のゲームを打っ千切る 【ぶっちぎる】 (v5r) (1) to win (a race) 。バスに乗りましたの時、おばあさんと私話しました。とてもむずかしね。
now in english. i am trying to practice my japanese
so me and my friends went to koreantown to watch the soccer game between korea and iran on tv while eating some delicious sam gyup sal. I guess today isnt the waiter's day since he spilled the juice of the meat onto two of my friends clothes. NO DISCOUNTS even after that. But watching a soccer game at where we did was soo interesting. Chanting and sighs filled the room. So this clock brushed slightly against this guy and he complained like crazy. It was caused by someone in the guy's party. STUPID dude. so on the ride back to the school, This old woman sat next to me and started conversing with me. Not really conversing since I nodded and smiled and acted i understood most of what she said. even though i probabaly only understood half of what she said. AHHH. Need to improve on my speaking and listening.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Saturday, July 7, 2007
The Fun Never Stops !
So first day in ICU( International Christian University) was pretty cool. It was more down time since people arrived at different times. I gotta say I was one of the retards who made sure to be the first to arrive to the school. On top of that, I got off the wrong bus stop so had to walk a lot more than I could have. Who cares, Im in japan where walking is equivalent to driving in the U.S. ( states). Met a few people the first day and was surprised there wasnt any sort of activities until 7 pm and I arrived at 9 am. So yeah lots of time to kill. So by the first day, Im pretty pro about where everything is around campus. It reminds me of Davis and Standford a bit. Very nice. so I met my roommates!( Lizzie, Leeyeon, Jamie) its a really clean and nice place. something that looks a lot cooler than VDC! We each have our own room !
A group of us ( lizzie, jamie, correy, juan, terry, lindsay and some ppl i cant think of right now) went around the outside of the campus to explore. I need to take more pics so I can have a pic of everyone I talk about. I am trying. Its not soo humid and hot anymore. or maybe I am getting used to it now.
So at night we had our orientation and whatnot. So many rules but most of them are lenient. thank god or else it would be painful. Like some of the rules:
1) no girls on guys floor/ room. and no guys in girls floor
2) CURFEW is at like 12;00- haha . there really isnt a curfew . cuz the helpers are cool
3) no visitors welcomed past the lobby area
4) NO INTERNEt !!! haha . I found a way around that
5) gates close at 10 and 11:00 ( 2 different gates) founda way around that alreadty
to be updated more
A group of us ( lizzie, jamie, correy, juan, terry, lindsay and some ppl i cant think of right now) went around the outside of the campus to explore. I need to take more pics so I can have a pic of everyone I talk about. I am trying. Its not soo humid and hot anymore. or maybe I am getting used to it now.
So at night we had our orientation and whatnot. So many rules but most of them are lenient. thank god or else it would be painful. Like some of the rules:
1) no girls on guys floor/ room. and no guys in girls floor
2) CURFEW is at like 12;00- haha . there really isnt a curfew . cuz the helpers are cool
3) no visitors welcomed past the lobby area
4) NO INTERNEt !!! haha . I found a way around that
5) gates close at 10 and 11:00 ( 2 different gates) founda way around that alreadty
to be updated more
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
I arrived in Japan yesterday night ( 7/2) at the Narita Airport. Everything went alright. I sat next to a japanese couple ( mid 30's) and basically slept for the majority of the time. I'm suprised I slept so much considering I was determined to watch all the movies I havent seen. I even slept through the takeoff. The food on singapore airline was pretty good. They even had snacks and offered snicker bars, chips, and apples. Oh and their dessert was Ben and jerry's ice cream. I was suprised the flight attendant asked me if i wanted what kind of juice in Japanese. I replied in Japanese. Oranji - juisu ! I like it when people ask me stuff in Japanese so I can use my Japanese skills. Im dissappointed though because I always end up freezing up and resorting to English. Sometimes I try to spit out some words in Japanese to ask something. Like when I was at the aiport terminal. I tried asking for a certain stop : Busu stoppu juuroku wa doko desu ka? Doko desu ka is my favorite phrase. and Sumimasen. ( excuse me) I just decided that I will only use Japanese from now on. Unless they approach me with English/ Chinese. Oh did I mention that the Japanese have a very strong English accent. I couldnt even understand the delivery service person when he asked me if I had any fragile stuff in my luggage. I was like huh? and he had to point to a fragile sign so I can understand.
The hotel that I stayed in the first night isnt bad at all. Man I feel large in their room because its enough space for like a full size bed with a desk and tv. Oh the bathroom is small I finally feel tall for once. Almost feel like a giant. So I was watching the Japanese tv programs to see if I can understand anything. It was unsucessful. It makes me sad that My japanese is not good enough to communicate or understand the tv programs. Even like white people have better Japanese skills than I do.
So today I woke up at 4 am because I was afraid i will miss my shuttle to the airport. But ended up knocking out every so often. I bought my subway ticket all by myself and took the right railway. ( i am extremely proud of myself since I was staring at the Subway routes for liike 5 minutes. So i decided to be cheap and not spend 20 bucks on the skyliner railway and ended up taking the commuter express one which was 10 bucks cheaper. Bad mistake. I was fine for awhile but then i didnt transfer to another railway. I was soo sure I didnt need to transfer since I was staring at the railway map. So i got off the wrong station and ended up pointing to where I need to go and an Old man helped me get to the right station. Man, hand signals saves my ass when I dont understand. He even told the ticket person so they could charge me the right amount and all.
So i got to my mom's friend place at 11 am and I left at 8 am. Its pretty far away from the airport. it takes about an 70 mins to get to one point and then transfer to another train. and then another since i got off the wrong station. So i met my mom's friends daughter ( linda) for like the first time in like 10 yrs or something. This is probabaly the first time I recognize her. So i was at the station trying to see which one is her. And she was sort of doing the same since this is basically our first time meeting bcuz i dont really remember her from 10 yrs ago. I will post pics later since i need my cord. Its in my suitcase that I delivered to the school. 40 bucks to deliver two suitcases!
So I explored from noon to 4 ish just walking around the place called akabane.
My feet started feeling tired so I just sat and ate ramen and read some stuff. Came back took a much needed shower. Then talked to Linda when she came back from fashion school. Then we went to a traditional small "pub" where you can talk to the owner and all. MAn i forgot to take a pic of it. AHHH . its okay Ill just have to go back again one day. So we spent like 4 hrs there talking to the owner and owners wife. In mandarin because the owner's wife is from Taiwan and speaks mandarin and Japanese. It was yesterday that it hit me I will bein Japan for a whole year. While she was talking to me it felt like I new her before or something. It wasnt like a simple how are you conversation but more personal level.
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